Grovers Blueberries
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10 - 3 Year Old Plants, Multiple Variety - Extended Season
i like to start the planting of berries in india. how can i ..
4 of 5 Stars!
2lb Bag of 10-10-10 Fertilizer (Blueberry Blend)
2lb Bag of 10-10-10 Fertilizer (Blueberry Blend)

Due to product demand and possible low stock for 2022/2023 shipping seasons, wholesale pricing and amount allowed must be prior approved and may vary or change from what is advertised on this website. We may not even be able to offer wholesale at this time. It is best to call and let me look into what you are wanting and get back to you. 609-284-9839 We have many other varieties not listed below. I am trying to leave website as original as My father had it before his passing, we are working on a new site with new information and updated products etc. I do appreciate all of our customers and Thank You for choosing Grover's Blueberries. Daddy would be proud!

Thank You, Cindy Grover Sanders


to place a wholesale orders,i must calculate the shipping charge!

and any further discounts that may apply.

thus---please send your desired amount of plants and ages with your zip code through the web store.

or contact me through my personal email at:

i will then send you a total,with all pertinient information!

As you may or may not know, blueberries are now being grown in almost every state in the union.
The states below have been growing blueberries for many years in established order are:

New Jersey

North Carolina



States up and coming on strong are:



Also, virtually every state east of the Mississippi, and some just west are also growing blueberries successfully.
The main rule of thumb is this-a soil ph. of 4.5-5.5 and sandy soil is best but other soil's will do as well.
You can add sulfur, or some other nitrate to lower the ph.
If Azaleas and Rhododendrons grow in your area, and other fruits, then blueberries should also.
We strive to sell the finest and highest quality plants in the world at very fair below market prices.
We sort every plant we sell, and throw thousands away every year that don’t make the grade thus keeping our high standard.
We have been involved in blueberry farming for over 70 continuous years; almost from the beginning of cultivation which happened right here in Burlington County New Jersey in 1915.
We have been raising our own plants since 1936,and we also now sell for other large nursery’s that are local and well known to us with all growers certified by the New Jersey State Department of Agriculture.
We hope that you will take a minute to go over our list of varieties and prices.
Our fields are inspected and tested twice every year by the State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture for disease, virus, and fungus and after tests are done, they get a certificate of approval.

We have been in the blueberry business continuously since my grandfather started in 1936, both growing and farming and now for the past 5 years a major distributor of blueberry plants throughout the world.
We have shipped plants successfully to many foreign countries, as well as most every state in the United States.

As you may-or may not know blueberries were first cultivated here in Burlington County New Jersey in 1915 from wild, swamp huckleberries by Elizabeth white.
My grandfather knew her personally.
We have 10s of thousands of plants on hand with most varieties in stock from November till June however we do get sold-out of some varieties !

Blueberry plants can be potted for resale for the nursery or garden center, for the deck-patio-or as a fill in, most anywhere.
They also make a wonderful back drop for smaller flowers or vegetables or as a center piece in the flower bed.
These plants also make a wonderful eatable hedge from 3 feet trimmed hedge to a 6 feet privacy hedge.
Just planting them closer together than normal, and trimming them the height you desire.
They have a beautiful white bell shape blossom, then a very nice green summer hedge with editable blueberries and beautiful fall colors of red, yellows & oranges.
However the yield will be greatly reduced due to close planting and trimming.
Should you have extra land sitting empty, blueberries will give you a life time of steady income as they live and produce for 50 plus years and average 10 - 20 pounds of berries per plant each year.
Once mature at age 10-15 years as an added high marketing tool to help in your sales, I have included the following information.

In 2004, it was reported to the American Chemical Society meeting, that according to U.S.D.A. head researcher, AGNES M. RIMANDO, agents found in blueberries called Pterostilbene could be a potent weapon against obesity and heart disease, by cutting cholesterol and more-so for those that other drugs have little affect.
Also, noting that blueberries have perhaps the highest antioxidants known to man which seems to help keep us young inside and out.
(some how my father thought this 40 years ago.)

Below you will find a list of our varieties- and prices,
both wholesale & retail.

These are all HIGH BUSH varieties; we do not grow LOW BUSH types.
Below you will note the size of the plants, however in many cases, they may be taller than what is specified as we strive to give the best plants possible.

wholesale prices 50 plants or more!

200-499 a further 2% discount!

500-999 a further 5% discount!

1,000 or more,a further 10% discount!
all are bare root ( no soil )





( some varieties may be sold out-so please check first ) 


50 plants or more.

1 yr. old - rooted cutting-mim.3 in new growth or bigger total length app.8 in. $4.50ea.

2 yr. old - 9-12 in. $6.50ea.-MOST ALL ARE SOLD LOCALY!!  AND SOLD OUT!

3 yr. old - 12 - 18 in.$8.50 ea.

4 yr. old - 18 -24 in. or bigger $11.50 ea.

7 YEAR OLD POTTED BUSHES----- BLUE JAY  $35.00 EA. OR 4 FOR $120.00


PICK UPS WILL BE IN POTS.  Pick up is only for Large Potted orders and have to arrange pick up

10 year old dug plants- 30--40 inches tall, $60.00 each. or 4x $220.00.  Varieties are only DUKE,  Northland , Jersey!

MOST SOIL REMOVED for shipping.



Plants are shipped with wet paper, placed in a secure plastic bag and boxed very securely. The cost for shipping and handling will be dependent on the size and weight of your order to your destination. By either USPS - UPS or Fed-ex We do our utmost best to keep the shipping as cheap as possible. For a price check, just contact us.



United States & Territories We accept business and personal checks (must clear before order is shipped), postal money orders only and paypal with a confirmed address only. Western Union wire transfer. Cash accepted at your risk (we don’t recommend sending cash in the mail).



We accept payment by American cash only (we don’t recommend sending cash),global money order-can take up to 30 days to clear + $15.00 bank fee charged to the purchaser. Western Union wire transfer and paypal from a confirmed address only. To place an order or if you have a question: please email- (
please use blueberry plants in subject bar so as not to be spam deleted.
or call- 
(609) 284-9839 

If you’ll do a search on the web of what others are offering as we have done you will see that our prices for the size and age of our plants are hard to beat.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Randy Grover.

Wholesale Information

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